Dragons Student Activities: Connect, Create, Innovate

Join our tech-focused student community. Connect with peers, discuss latest trends, and build lasting friendships. Participate in a wide range of activities designed to enhance your skills and network.

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Join us and Learn with Dragons Student Activities

Join our tech-focused student community. Connect with peers, discuss latest trends, and build lasting friendships. Participate in a wide range of activities designed to enhance your skills and network.

What You Will Learn

Our curriculum is designed to help you learn the latest technologies and build projects that can help you get a job or grow your business.


Participate in our thrilling hackathons where you can team up with fellow students to solve real-world problems. Showcase your coding skills, collaborate, and compete for exciting prizes. It's a fantastic opportunity to innovate and bring your ideas to life.

Info Sessions

Stay informed with our info sessions. We regularly host sessions where industry experts share their insights on the latest trends in technology. Learn about new tools, frameworks, and best practices that are shaping the tech world.


Join our regular meetings to connect with peers and mentors. These gatherings are a great way to discuss ongoing projects, share ideas, and get feedback. Whether in person or online, our meetings are designed to foster collaboration and community.

Gamified Profiles

Our platform includes gamified profiles to make learning and participation more engaging. Earn points and badges as you take part in activities, complete projects, and contribute to the community. It's a fun way to track your progress and stay motivated.

Join the Hackathons Revolution

Through our exciting hackathons and challenges, you can showcase your skills, connect with industry professionals, and win cash prizes while solving real-world problems.

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Compete to Win Cash Prizes

Participate in hackathons and challenges to solve real-world problems and win cash prizes.

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Compete from anywhere easily

Join hackathons and challenges from anywhere in the world, either online or offline.

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Hackathons full of Fun Gamification and Fun

Our hackathons and challenges are designed to be fun and engaging, with gamification elements to keep you entertained.