Join Dragons now and Build your career !

By joining Dragons you will be able to work with a team and build your career in the field you love, so what are you waiting for ?

Important things to know before joining Dragons


Fundamental Knowledge Required

Basic programming knowledge is required to succeed in our program and to be able to work with your team.


Assessments and Feedback

Assessments ensure learning objectives are met. Certificate requires meeting all requirements.


Daily Email Check Required

It's important to check your email every day for any updates or changes in the program.


Graduation Requirements

To graduate from the program, you must complete all the requirements. The top 3% of graduates will receive special recognition.


Teamwork is Essential to Success

We value teamwork and encourage you to help your fellow students succeed in the program.


Code of Conduct Violations

We have a strict code of conduct, and any violations will result in immediate removal from the program.

Fill the form below to join Dragons

Be one of us and let's change people's lives ✨

The form is closed ... thank you

See You Soon Next Season 😊



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