Master the Backend with Comprehensive Bootcamp for Aspiring Developers

Master backend development with our bootcamp. Learn Python, Gen AI, PostgreSQL, and Django through hands-on projects. Elevate your coding skills today!

Master Backend Development with Our Comprehensive Bootcamp!

Dive into a transformative bootcamp covering essential skills and practical onboarding activities.

What You Will Learn

Dive into the world of backend development with our comprehensive bootcamp covering Python, Generative AI, PostgreSQL, Django, and more

Welcome Session

Introduction to the bootcamp, objectives, and expectations.

Setup Development Environment

Assistance in installing Python, Django, and necessary libraries.

Icebreaker Activities

Get to know your peers and form study groups.

Accounts Setup and Access Privileges

Smooth onboarding to our systems.

Additional Activities

Explore extracurricular activities and the HRMS of our dragons.

Master Backend Development with Our Outstanding Learning Pathway

Unlock backend mastery with Python, Django, Generative AI, and PostgreSQL. Hands-on projects, optimization, and real-world integration.


Introduction to Python Basics

Learn Python basics: variables, data types, control structures, and basic scripting with hands-on exercises.


Introduction to Django Framework

Understand Django's MVT architecture, ORM, and URL routing. Set up a simple Django project with basic pages and CRUD operations.


Weeks 1-2: Introduction to Python and Django

Python Basics: Variables, data types, control structures, and basic scripting. Introduction to Django: Understanding MVT architecture, ORM, and URL routing. Hands-on Projects.


Weeks 3-4: Advanced Django Concepts and Generative AI Introduction

Advanced Django Templates, Views, and Forms. Authentication, Authorization, and Introduction to Generative AI using TensorFlow/PyTorch.


Weeks 5-6: Advanced Generative AI and Django Integration

Implementing GANs and VAEs in Django. Debugging, Optimization, and Project Development with Generative AI.


Weeks 7-8: PostgreSQL Database Interaction

Introduction to PostgreSQL, Migration, and Advanced Querying. Data Modeling and Best Practices in Django Projects.


Weeks 9-12: Comprehensive Backend Development

Django REST Framework, Performance Optimization, Scalability, and Advanced Concepts in Middleware and Database Management.


Weeks 13-14: Project Development

Project Brainstorming, Basic Functionality, Advanced Features, and Documentation for Django-based applications.


Weeks 15-16: Project Completion and Presentation

Finalizing Development, UI/UX Polishing, Presentation, and Feedback Sessions for Django projects.