Master Frontend Development and Transform Your Skills with Our Bootcamp

Begin your journey into frontend development with our detailed bootcamp, structured to cover essential and advanced topics.

Master FrontEnd Development with Our Comprehensive Bootcamp!

Dive into a transformative bootcamp covering essential skills and practical onboarding activities.

What You Will Learn

Embark on a journey into frontend development, covering modern technologies like React, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, and more.

Welcome Session

Get introduced to the bootcamp, understand objectives, and set expectations.

Setup Development Environment

Assistance with installing Node.js, npm/yarn, and setting up the development environment.

Icebreaker Activities

Connect with peers and form study groups.

Accounts Setup and Access Privileges

Smooth onboarding to our systems.

Additional Activities

Explore extracurricular activities and familiarize yourself with the HRMS of our dragons.

Master Frontend Development with Our Outstanding Learning Pathway

Unlock frontend mastery with a comprehensive bootcamp. Hands-on projects, optimization, and real-world integration.